Excellence is achieving results that delight all stakeholders
Excellence is visionary and inspirational leadership, coupled with constancy of purpose
Excellence is maximizing the contribution of employees through their development and involvement
Excellence is developing and maintaining value adding partnerships and alliances
Excellence is cherishing change, challenging the status quo and effecting change by utilizing learning to create innovation and improvement opportunities
Excellence is embracing our social responsibilities by striving to improve the quality of life wherever we work
Pyramid actively implements the PMBOK project management standards in its domestic and international projects; (as well as) Pyramid leadership decided to adopt the EFQM excellence model as a tool for self-assessment, as a way to benchmark with other organizations, as a means to identify areas for improvement, and as a structure for the organization’s management systems.
To maximize the benefits of adopting the EFQM model, Pyramid leadership has set forth the following guiding concepts to ensure that the model is fully understood and accepted by the entire organization:
In Concert with our vision to build a leading, world-class organization capable of managing & implementing multidisciplinary engineering, procurement and construction projects, Kayson is committed to:
Adhering to all Specifications, Requirements and Quality Standards, Agreed Upon in Contracts
Remaining Unflinchingly Focused on the Objectives of its Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental Management Systems
Providing a Safe Workplace, Preventing all Hazards and Accidents and Adverse Environmental Impacts
Abiding by Relevant National & International Laws, Regulations & Standards
Implementing a Continual Improvement System
Ensuring Efficient Provision & Effective Management of Resources
Enhancing People’s Knowledge
Increasing People Involvement in the Implementation of Management Systems
Respecting Stakeholders’ Views
As a general contractor, Pyramid is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of its staff and other stakeholders (such as a subcontractors, partners, neighbors,visitors, etc.) and protecting the environment.
To achieve these goals, all levels of the organization and subcontractors shall adhere to the following commitments:
Creating a safe and healthy workplace
Minimizing the impact on the environment
Minimizing disruption in the daily life of people and society
Complying with legal requirements (local, national and international), and clients’ HSE requirements
Formulating, updating, and implementing suitable and creditable models for the Company’s HSE management system
Providing training for managers and supervisors and securing their active participation in the implementation of basic HSE principles
Training and encouraging personnel at all levels of the organization and obliging them to abide by basic HSE principles
Providing training for subcontractors and obliging them to comply with basic HSE principles
Recording, investigating, researching near misses, accidents and hazards and their causes in order to eliminate them, and, if not possible, minimize the possibility of their recurrence
Continually improving the performance of the company’s HSE management system
When it comes to subcontracting, we team up with the best in the market and operate in a spirit of partnership to achieve the highest standards of quality. We uncompromisingly place our subcontractors under obligation to meet the same high standards of quality, adherence to schedule, safety and cost as we uphold ourselves. We appraise supplier and subcontractor performance not only at the selection stage, but throughout our working relationships. These ongoing evaluations also cover adherence to schedule and total cost as well as product or service quality. We continue to actively develop mutually beneficial relationships with all those with whom we do business.
Improving quality of life through organizational and people development.
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